Our family started off June getting settled into a new house! God gave us an opportunity to purchase a home a little more centrally located to school and ministry, and we are so thankful for His blessings!
Unlike the hot, long summer days in the states, June and July in South Africa are much colder, slower paced months. However, similarly, our kids do get out of school for “winter break.” School holidays are always a great opportunity for ministry. To kick off the month we had a youth lead service for our midweek. We had young men from our church do all the activities of the church service. One lead the singing, one lead the prayer request time and prayer. Some sang specials and 2 young men preached. It was a great learning experience for them and myself. Also, My wife kicked off the break with a girl’s sleepover and bible study at our new home.
Next, we were able to take many of our teens to camp at “Camp Rhino.” We had 13 young people from our church attend camp this winter. They had a great time and got to hear some great preaching about "Surrendering to God". The Lord did a great work through visitors from Southside Baptist Church in Knoxville, Tn. It was nice to see some familiar faces and fellowship with "our people" from Tennessee.
Lastly, I was able to take some of my young men to teach and help at a vacation Bible school for Madiba Bay Baptist Church. One of our older teens preached the gospel to the kids at Madiba as well as help for a VBS at Soweto Baptist Church. We praise God for all these wonderful opportunities!
In between all of the busyness, we were able to see 1 precious soul accept Christ and be baptized! We praise the Lord for answering our prayers. We are continuing on with weekly Bible studies with our young people, and ask that you please pray for Christian growth! I have started a young mens bible study after church. I have been teaching "What does the Bible say about being a man?". I have been very surprised and excited about the turnout.
Over the past couple of months we have had several personal donations to finish up our building. We just want to thank you for taking part in this ministry. We pray for fruit to your account!