August has been an exciting month in ministry! My wife and I started off the month by traveling to Cape Town, South Africa to pick up our first intern, Laney Hatley. When we arrived, we were surprised to be greeted with riots all over the city. As we drove for two+ hours, trying to safely get to our hotel, we saw many different townships, lots of burning tires, and a lot of hurting faces. Our resounding thought was, "South Africa needs the gospel." Cape Town needs missionaries. Would you consider your part in getting the gospel to the world?
Once arriving back home, we were excited to start some new things at church, now that we have an extra helper. We started by revamping our service times. In the past, We have never received any interest in a Sunday School class for our adults before the main church hour. We decided to try bible studies/SS after our main church hour, complete with coffee and refreshments. These classes have been well attended and the people seem to really be enjoying it. Next, we added "Kings Kids," to our Thursday night service. This is a time where the kids can really focus on scripture memorization. Our intern, Laney, has helped us in heading this up, with hopes of training our daughter, Mallorie, to continue the class when she leaves.
We praise the Lord for giving us several visitors in August, including a couple of "Tata's," (men.) Culturally it is very difficult to get older men in your church. Most are either deep into their cultural beliefs (Ancestoral worship,) or simply absent from the home. So anytime we have men visit, it is an encouragement.
Lastly, this past month we were able to see a 16 year old young lady accept Christ. My wife was able to meet with her and her mother to do an in home Bible Study. After the first week my wife asked the young lady if she had ever heard the gospel message before. She replied "no." She had never in her life heard that Jesus died in the cross, was buried, and rose again the third day. After 3 weekly meetings, Yonela decided to accept Christ as her savior. We rejoice!
The four young men I have been mentoring are doing well. Masiwakhe, Masilakhe, Miso and Elethu have been very faithful to everything we do at the church. There will be expectations laid on them while I head to the states for a quick trip. Pray they will fulfill their roles and be encouraged by doing hard things. Three of my four children and I will be traveling back to the states this month for a short trip. This trip will allow my oldest children to visit with family. I have also booked some meetings in the local area and will be updating some of our supporting churches about our ministry. Thank you so much for your continued prayers and support of my family! God Bless.