Hello Pastor and praying friends!
We hope you all are having a wonderful summer, with Independence Day celebrations and vacation Bible schools. We have been stateside for about 3 weeks, and we’ve thoroughly enjoyed catching up with family and friends. That being said, June was packed full of events and sad goodbyes.
We tried to cram all the events we could into the last few weeks before we left. We started off June by hosting a VBS during the kids’ winter break. Our theme was “Noah’s ark,” and we had over 100 kids every day! The Lord blessed and we had 7 kids trust Christ as their Savior.
The next week, we sent our teens and juniors off to camp. They heard amazing messages, and came back encouraged to serve the Lord. We saw one young lady from our church accept christ at Camp Rhino.
Lastly, we had a special anniversary service for our last Sunday in South Africa. There was a sweet spirit in the service, and a delicious meal to follow. We left thanking God for our faithful members. Please pray for our people in our absence and for those who have responsibilities in our church.
In the last few weeks, we were blessed to be with Bible Baptist Church in Palm Harbor, Fl, Fellowship Baptist Church in Maryville, TN and First Avenue Baptist Church in Hilliard, Florida. The cyber failure caused us to miss some flights and we had to cancel some meetings. We are thankful for Pastor Bradley Collins and his church allowing us to present our work in Asheville, NC. Please pray for us as we begin to travel all over the U.S starting in California this weekend.