While practicing, practicing, practicing the language, we are doing the same things you are hopefully doing in America. Making contacts, meeting people, and telling people the good news of the gospel. We are currently praying for the "Grwebi" family. They are a sweet family that lives near our church. They haven't attended yet, but seem to be receptive. We are praying they will come to check out what the weird white people are doing in their area. I also want to request prayer for "Nosipho." She is a kind employee of the gas station I frequent. After a short conversation about church, she asked for prayer. This lady believes she is going to "make it" into Heaven because she has a "pure heart." I informed her "There is none that doeth good, and sinneth not." Im praying God will do a work in her heart. Unfortunately, people like NoSipho are the majority here in South Africa. The more people I meet, the more burdened I become. They need the truth. We need more workers. The harvest is truly plenteous but the laborers are few.
With spring time approaching, many churches use this season to focus on missions. We have had several of our supporting churches reach out to us with special notes of encouragement, extra prayers, and even extra financial support. Whether this includes you or not, we just want to share that we are thankful for each and everyone of you. We are always humbled when we think of the love we are shown from God's people. We are praying for fruit to your account. and also about how much more we can be doing for world evangelism.
* We celebrated Mercy's first birthday this month!
* we are excited about Easter services, and praying for souls to be saved.
* Meagan will be speaking at a "purity conference" in a couple of weeks, more details about that in our next letter
* Praying about details of church plants. Will share details in the upcoming months.