- Psalm 27:14 KJV-
Working while we’re waiting. As all of you know, we’re ready and excited to get started on our first church in Motherwell, SA. However, the Lord, (and the wisdom of veteran missionaries,) Is teaching me this is a process that requires patience. We are currently looking for land/property, and praying that God will open and close the doors as He sees fit. More than we need a building, we need God to build His church. So in the meantime, we have started back up our bible study, and we’re praying to see souls saved.
God has sent us about 5 people in the township of Motherwell that have been faithful, and we’ve been able to transport them to missionary, Mark Coffey’s, church on Sundays. Pastor Mvume preaches on Sunday Mornings and we hope to get from 5 to 20 in the coming days. We did see two professions of faith at this church a couple of weeks ago. We praise the Lord for it!
Motherwell has over 150,000 people with 14 different "mini-locations" which are called an NU. NU Stands for "neighborhood unit" and each of these has around 12,000 people. My bible study is currently located in NU 29 but some of the people who come are located in NU 13. I am asking God to show us which area would be the best to plant the first church. Overall every single one of these places needs an independent Baptist church.
Prayer Requests
- Pray for Laborers. Motherwell has over 150,000 people without a gospel witness. With our team, there are 9 churches for the 1.3 million people in this city.
- Pray for men. As well as planting a church I am praying for men to train. Miso and Njeza are with me now and are growing in the Lord. Pray for more.
- There is a group of 8 people from multiple churches that are coming for a mission trip this month. Pray for God to use them and possibly call more people to work here in SA.
- Pray for Meagan as she continues to teach a Children's class at Lighthouse Baptist Church.
- Pray as we continue the Bible study in NU 29. We are slowly growing but the Lord is working. I am getting to know more people in the community and hope to begin to gain respect amongst them.
South Africa Address Stateside Address
52 Redwing Court, 865-233-6729 1818 Hunters Hill BLVD
Westering Maryville, Tn 37803
Port Elizabeth
South Africa 6025