First of all, we were surprised to discover God has blessed us with another child! This was unexpected, but as always, we believe in God’s perfect timing! We couldn’t be more thrilled to welcome our fourth child sometime in late March. “Lo, children are an heritage of the Lord: and the fruit of the womb is his reward.” Psalms 127:3
We also were humbled by two vacation bible schools, helping to raise money for our set-up fund. These children who faithfully gave their money each night, reminds us why we do what we do. We also had 2 churches take us on for support in August.
Lastly, due to some unforeseen circumstances, we had to move out of our house this month. My in-laws so graciously opened up their home to us, and we believe this was such a blessing in disguise. We are now going to be able to focus on our set-up fund rather than rent. This move will make for our 6th move in our seven years of marriage. I am thankful for a wife who is more focused on what God wants for our family than for her own comfort.
We truly believe Romans 8:28 that says, “all things work together for good to them who love God, to them who are called according to his purpose.”
Please pray for -
-The new baby due in March
- 75% support by the end of 2017
- heavy traveling over the next 2 months
August in Review
-August was our 20th month of deputation
- We were in a total of 10 churches in AZ, VA, FL, TN
- We had 2 churches take us on for support.
- We travelled 4,326 miles