Missions conference season is in full swing and we are currently in out 4th conference this month. As a missionary I am usually preaching to churches week by week but I enjoy listening to great preachers that are brought in to preach the conferences. Meagan and I have met so many people and Pastors lately who it seems that God has burdened their hearts with missions. God may never call you to the mission field but will you allow him to burden your heart with missions? Would you be willing to go?
We are closing in on 60% of our needed support so we are looking to get our passports renewed and visas requested. Lately it seems some missionaries are having trouble with gaining their visas into South Africa. We are looking to request ours within the next month. Hopefully with us starting the visa process early, it will allow us to have time to fix any problems that may arise. Please pray for us as we look get our visas.
Please Pray For September in Review
- Baby #4 due in March - September was our 21st month of Deputation
- Visa applications - We were in a total of 8 churches and 4 conferences in TN, TX, VA, AL, AR
- Safety in Travel - We traveled 4000 miles and had 3 churches take us on for support!
- 70% by the end of 2018