In some exciting news (for Meagan and I anyways) we have completed language school! Now our language learning is not over and we still have to work hard at understand as much as possible. I am thankful for Missionary Mark Coffey for helping us greatly, we were able to use the curriculum at Camp Rhino. This prevented us from experiencing many of the trials missionaries go through while trying to learn a new language. We will spend the last 4 months before our mini furlough working hard to learn as much as we can. Meagan is teaching the young ladies class at New Life. She has been preparing her lessons in Xhosa and I am very proud of her and am encouraged by her work ethic. I have been preparing messages and preaching in Xhosa for about 10 min every week. I am thankful for Pastor Mvume and Missionary Jeremy Hall for allowing me to preach at their churches.
Also this month, I had planned, and was excited, to start my first Bible study in the Missionvale township this week. Unfortunately we have had a spike in Corona Virus in that certain location we will have to postpone just for a couple weeks. I have been visiting and passing out literature in this area and was able to meet with some people for the first week but we are looking forward to meeting in this area each week. Please also remember the Motherwell area. This is one of the largest townships in Port Elizabeth with little gospel witness. I would like to start a bible study in this area as well. Please pray for an opportunity to open up.
We are moving into our first house this month. My family has been blessed to have this exciting opportunity during a hard time in this country. We are thankful for our supporters and for Christ allowing us to work for him in South Africa.