We had a happy, busy month. Language school can become monotonous at times, but when we can start to apply what we know; then we are reminded why we are here. My wife and I were so encouraged this month as we have begun practicing with people in town. One day, Meagan took the opportunity to invite the check out lady at the grocery store to our easter service. To Meagan's surprise she immediately wrote down her information and seemed very interested in coming. We were able to visit her in her home the following Saturday. She then told us she had no idea if she would go to HEAVEN or not if she were to die. What a blessing it was to sit and share the gospel with her. We were thrilled with her receptiveness but there was still some confusion when we left.
We believe that is due to the language barrier. This was a sweet reminder from the Lord to keep on keeping on. The gospel is for every tribe, and every nation; and is too important to let a language barrier stand in the way. Our new friend, Nolubabalo did come to church, and we are praying the Lord keeps working in her heart.
Our missionary friends, Jeremy Hall Family, learned this month that they have received an extension on their visa's. This was an answer to prayer for all of us because there has been a lot of confusion and denials for many missionaries in South Africa. But this tells us that the South African Government is still giving out and extending visas. We know that our God is big enough as we are continuing to pray that we will hear good news about our visa situation.