Our family was able to attend Sand Mountain Bible Camp in Trenton, Ga a couple weeks ago and had a tremendous time. We were able to share the gospel with many children and 3 accepted Christ as their Saviour. It was also good to have a time of rest and relaxation as well. We are very thankful to Pastor Philip Trask for the opportunity.
We will be in several meetings up north over the next few weeks and are anxiously waiting to apply for our visas. Apparently, applications can only be submitted 3 months prior to your trip, so it will continue to be a waiting game. We will be able to get the ball rolling in August, so that will be a matter of prayer.
As we are finishing up deputation, we have been reflecting on all the Lord has done in our family the past 2.5 years. We have added two children to our gang, and our oldest 2 have grown so much. Avett will be celebrating his 4thbirthday on the 18thof this month. Not only have our children grown, but we believe the Lord has used this as a time of growth for Meagan and I as well. We are thankful, and pray He continues to prepare us for the field He has called us too. We appreciate all the love, support, and prayers of God’s people.
June in Review Set up Fund
- We were able to be in 8 churches - 6 plane tickets - was 5500 now $4500
- We had 6 churches partner with us! - Vehicle in SA - $5000
- We are at 83% - Shipping/Customs - was 2500 now $2000
- We travelled 2,041 miles in 4 states NC, MS, TN, GA