This past month we continued our language school studies over the Internet. I was given the opportunity to preach in Xhosa a couple of times to a small group of believers staying at missionary Mark Coffey’s, Camp Rhino. I am very grateful for the opportunity to preach the past two weeks and looking forward to more message preparation. It takes about double the time to write a message in Xhosa then in English but I am learning so much just by reading and writing in the language. Please continue to pray for this aspect of our ministry. We have also been able to hand out bags of rice with the gospel message taped to them to several families.
Last weekend, My wife got back in the township and visited our teenagers from church. It was the first time she was able to see them since March. Please pray for the young people from our churches. They need support from Christian believers; which they not have gotten for almost 2 months. Most of them live in broken sinful homes, with no Christian influence at all.
During all of this lockdown, God has given us a great opportunity to buy our first house. The Lord blessed us with a deal we couldn't pass up especially with the Rand to Dollar ratio being so good for us during this economic crisis. We are very thankful for no longer pay rent and throw our money out the window. The Lord is good and we are very excited about this opportunity. With all the lockdown procedures we will not be able to move until the middle of July.
We love you all and appreciate your prayers during this time. Please know you and your churches are in our prayers as well. We know it hasn't been easy for you all either. It was a pleasure to see churches coming together again this past Sunday. We're thankful for your faithfulness in giving to our ministry, and God's faithfulness in all things. God Bless you all.