30 months. 2 new family members .4 different homes. 268 churches. 89,198 miles. 32 different states. 2 mini vans. Countless new friendships. 96% of our needed support, AND deputation is finally coming to an end! We have so many emotions going on in the Sullivan household these days.
On top of all those stats as we reflect back on the last couple of years; we are in awe of all the Lord has done! It has been a time of “tough love,” a time of growth, and a time of sweet fellowship. We have made lifelong friendships; and God has gently molded our hearts. We are a little nervous, and a lot heartbroken to leave friends and family; But more than that we are excited and ready to start the ministry God has called us to. We are leaving in 24 days! We covet your prayers as we prepare bags, and move out of our house.
Thank you very much to all who have purchased shirts. Because of you we have made nearly $1,000 for our visa attorney fees. Thank you to those who have donated to our set-up fund and those who monthly support the ministry. There are truly not enough "thank yous," to go around. We are humbled when we think of all the folks who have sacrificially given, so we can do what God has called us to. We are excited to put Gods money to work in South Africa.
October in Review Set-up fund
- We were in 8 churches in 4 states and Canada. - 6 plane tickets were 5500 now $0
NC, TN, PA, NY, Ontario - Vehicle was 5000 now 3000
- We have 3 new partners - Shipping/customs was 2500 now $0- We travelled 3000 miles - Visa Attorney Fees was 6000 now 1000