We were blessed with an amazing furlough, and saying goodbye to friends and family was hard. However, we are excited about what the Lord is doing here in South Africa. On our first Sunday back, we had a full house with many new faces. At the invitation, one precious mama accepted Christ as her savior. We had never met Mama Noncedo before, and after hearing her testimony, I’d like to share a bit with you.
The week we were to leave on our furlough, a few troublemakers in the community tried to stir up trouble, and “close our doors.” There was a community meeting. In this meeting, our church and myself were accused of many different lies. I had to answer against the accusations and it seemed nothing ever came of it. It was stressful and discouraging, but we surrendered it to the Lord.
We thought that was the end, but God was working behind the scenes. After we left, there was talk of burning the church down. We had no idea, but Mama Noncedo did. She told us that, although she wasn’t yet a Christian, she knew this wasn’t right. She decided to make Fellowship her church. If they were going to destroy it, they would do it with her inside.
After attending for the entire six-month furlough, the church never got burned down, but Mama’s heart had been changed. She was ready to be saved on our first Sunday back. Praise His Holy Name! Today my wife was able to share the gospel with her daughter, and we believe she will soon accept Christ. What Satan meant for evil, God used for good!
We are very thankful to missionaries Brandon Byerly and Ashley Taylor for helping while we were away. They did a fantastic job, and our church matured with their help. Pray for the Bylerys as they move to another church to help.
We were able to speak to a few pastors about the possibility of mission trips. We are looking to book these trips in 2025 and 2026. If you are interested, you can contact me at 865-978-0485 or [email protected]. We are also wanting interns as well. We are looking for any young people interested in helping/training with a veteran church planting missionary from anywhere to 3-6 months. Thank you for your continual prayers and support.
- The young men have matured in the Lord and are continuing to grow.
- We have had many new visitors in the last few weeks
- New discipleship classes started and special events planned.
- Preaching through the book of Matthew
- One woman accepted christ our first Sunday back
Prayer Requests:
- Two more partnering churches so we can get back to 100%
- Our Pastor and his family due to the loss of his mother.
- Souls to be saved.
Updated Contact Information:
Josh Sullivan
2335 Pennsylvania Ave
Maryville, TN 37804