At the beginning of this year, we were blessed to look back and see what God did in South Africa in 2022. Sometimes we can be discouraged by a lack of "numbers," or because the ministry isn't exactly where we think it should be. But, if we just look back, we are always reminded of His faithfulness and like in Psalms 118:3 we will say, "This is the Lord's doing; it is marvelous in our eyes." We are excited to see how God is changing the lives of a few faithful people in Motherwell South Africa, and we look forward to the rest of 2023 and what God has in store for the ministry.
We have seen slow but steady growth in the church and in a couple of the young men we are spending time with. I ask you to pray for them. Masilakhe and his brother Masiwakhe, Bonga, Miso, and Elethu. These young men have been faithful in church, youth, and bible studies. They have also been given some responsibilities in the church services and are growing. We were glad to baptize Bonga this month. We have another baptism lined up in the next month. We have seen lots of visitors in the last few weeks. They have all been given God's clear plan of salvation. Now, they just need to see that they are lost. We are praying for Holy Spirit conviction. Please pray for souls to be saved!
In January we sadly lost a lady in our church community that had been battling cancer. She had come to the church a handful of times, and we were able to reach out and help in her time of need. Most importantly, we were able to make sure she fully understood salvation. She said that she did, and she knew she was going to Heaven when she died. We were deeply saddened by her death, but thankful for an opportunity to share the gospel with her lost family. In the Xhosa culture, funerals very important. They have nightly "prayer meetings," in their homes for a week, leading up to the funeral. At these meetings, any "flavor" of preacher can come and preach. We are thankful God opened the door for our church to be in charge of one of those meetings. The seed has now been planted, and we are praying one day there will be fruit.
Every Day Life....
Bay Baptist Academy started its second year in January, and all 4 of our children were excited to start back. Bay Baptist College is in session as well.
Just 2 weeks ago we were given the terrible news that our teammates, Jeremy and Kevin Halls' father, Mike Hall, suddenly passed away. They and their families quickly returned to the states for the funeral. Please be praying for them as they mourn and try to re-coup the funds needed for the plane fare.
There are currently 2 young couples and 1 young lady here on an internship with our team. Also, we have anew missionary family who just started language school. I am excited Brandon and Maggie Byerly and look forward to see how the Lord will use them. We are extra excited to have our pastor's daughter coming for an internship this summer. As you can see, we get a lot of visitors here in South Africa. Because it is exciting to see how God's working, and what's better than seeing it? Being a part of it! We would love to have you come to visit!
Prayer Requests.
- Missionary Mark Coffey
- Jeremy and Kevin Hall
- Young men in the church
- our Visa situation.
- Lainey Hatley internship this summer.